
Let’s solve the lack of your teeth

Initially as a part of oral surgery, implantology has developed as an independent branch of dental medicine in the last 20 years, following Braenemark’s discovery of osseointegration (process in which bone and implant form a permanent bond and implant becomes part of your jaw). Based on these insights today we use titanium implants, mainly in the form of bolts or cylinders.

Dental implantology is a branch of dental medicine that deals with quality solutions for the lack of one, several or all of the teeth by placing one or more dental implants into the upper and / or lower jaw. In our practice we use Nobel Biocare implants which are among the best of implants. Computer-guided implantology is currently the most modern and safest way to place the implants.

In our clinic, exclusively premium dental implants from the brands Nobel Biocare and Aadva are utilized.

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We begin the procedure by CT (CBCT) scanning of the jaw (in our practice we use the latest Carestream 3D CT) and then transferring the three-dimensional image of the jaw to specialized software (in our case the NobelClinician) which enables precision placing of NobelBiocare implants using its special tools. After the planning process has been completed, a detailed therapy plan is passed on to a dental technician who uses it to create a surgical template using a 3D printer.

The next phase is a surgical procedure during which the surgical template is placed on the patient’s jaw. The template itself is very well suited because it is made according to the patient’s anatomy. Special drills and tools incorporate Nobel Biocare implants through the template, exactly at the places that are defined by the template. All of this allows the implantation process to be performed much more precisely than in classical implantation: much safer, more predictable and faster. In addition to the aforementioned advantages, the procedure is less invasive for the patient, allowing for shorter period of patient’s recovery, and most importantly, a much better functional and aesthetic finish.
